Ingress Logos

Ingress Logos

Logos in SVG, PNG, AI, and PSD format for Ingress, an alternate reality game by NianticLabs@Google.

Project maintained by cr0ybot AKA Cory Hughart Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Unofficial vector images of various logos and symbols from Google's alternate reality game, Ingress. Open source and free to use for non-commercial purposes only.

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way associated with Google Inc or NianticLabs@Google. These logos are copyrighted and possibly trademarked by Google, and are shared here for promotional purposes only; no copyright infringement is intended. Please be advised that attempting to use these images for a profit is illegal, even though they are not produced directly by Google. Also note that I will promptly honor any official request by Google to take these images down.

Please see the official word from Google about using these images, reproduced here for your convenience:

Please don't sell any merchandise featuring our trademarks, game images, or logos, or modified versions of our trademarks and logos (either directly or through third party websites like CafePress or Zazzle).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Ingress Logo Font

The "INGRESS" logo typeface appears to be based on AmarilloUSAF by Tom C. Lai (Shareware). Thanks to @marijnvdwerf for pointing this out.

Table of Contents

Click on an image to jump to it on the page.

To do: Niantic Logo, ADA symbol

Ingress Logo

Ingress Logo

SVG | AI | PNG | PSD | favicon | Original from Google | ZIP

Enlightened Faction Symbol

Enlightened Faction Symbol

SVG | AI | PNG | PNG (glowing) | PSD | Original from Google | ZIP

Alternate Enlightened Faction Symbol

Alternate Enlightened Faction Symbol

SVG | AI | PNG | PNG (embossed) | PSD | ZIP

Enlightened Hexagon Symbol

Enlightened Hexagon Symbol


Resistance Faction Symbol

Resistance Faction Symbol

SVG | AI | PNG | PNG (glowing) | PSD | Original from Google | ZIP

Alternate Resistance Faction Symbol

Alternate Resistance Faction Symbol

SVG | AI | PNG | PNG (embossed) | PSD | ZIP

Resistance Hexagon Symbol

Resistance Hexagon Symbol